Dad’s Guitars

Growing up, I always liked to hang out with my dad while he worked.
Whether it was following him with my wagon while he mowed the lawn, to riding my “Big Wheel”
on the newly poured foundation of our house, to riding in the wheelbarrow as he hauled firewood,
to racing around the unfinished house on my tricycle, to melting crayons into colorful volcanos &
whittling scrap pieces of wood in his workshop.  I always wanted to be there……….”helping.”
At the time, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, I thought my dad was really cool, but I mean……
Don’t all dads have beards?  Don’t all dads build their family a house?  Don’t all dads make guitars?
It wasn’t until I got older and saw more of the world and realized, “Ooooooh, my Dad IS pretty unique!”
He built his first guitar in his bedroom while in college and has been creating them ever since!
What an incredible amount of skill, creativity, time, money, and passion he puts into it.
I am continually impressed.
I had been wanting to photograph my dad in his workshop, and when Northwest Workshop
wanted to do a feature article about him, I made the photo shoot happen!
Northwest Workshop is a blog created by Sara Huntley featuring articles about home cooking,
recipes, food, crafts, life skills, and local artisans.  Take a look at my dad’s article here:

Michelle Pue - February 9, 2015 - 5:14 pm

This is so awesome, it brings me to tears.

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