Monthly Archives: February 2015

Instagram Prints

After several people have asked about getting prints of my Instagram photos, I have finally made it possible! Due to the fact that these are Instagram photos and taken with my iPhone, they are all square format and can be printed up to 20″ x 20″ (on photo paper or canvas). I also have […]

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Darby’s Birthday

This is Darby Lee the day she was born!  She is my sister’s first baby and I am so very happy for them.  I am excited she is here, I already adore her so much I have a feeling this girl is going to be photographed quite a bit!!

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Betsy Norton - February 21, 2015 - 4:15 pm

Oh Hannah, these pictures are amazing! I’d love to talk with you about photographing my grandson Hans before he gets much older. He’ll be 4 in May so it would make a nice gift for my daughter. I know your whole family is over the moon about Darby. Enjoy every momment. They grow so fast. How lucky Darby has an Auntie who happens to take amazing pictures.

Let me know the best way for us to communicate about possible photo shoot of Hans.

Enjoy, Betsy Norton9

Dad’s Guitars

Growing up, I always liked to hang out with my dad while he worked. Whether it was following him with my wagon while he mowed the lawn, to riding my “Big Wheel” on the newly poured foundation of our house, to riding in the wheelbarrow as he hauled firewood, to racing around the unfinished house […]

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Michelle Pue - February 9, 2015 - 5:14 pm

This is so awesome, it brings me to tears.

F a c e b o o k